York County Walks

York County Walks

Working with organizational partners, the Coalition has introduced York County to the national walking movement. The purpose of this local initiative is to:

  1. Educate residents on the many health benefits and the joy of walking
  2. Promote York County’s many walking opportunities
  3. Work with local municipalities to promote “Complete Streets,” thereby increasing the walkability of our communities

Local Video:  York County Walks  Need motivation to move more?  Watch this video and learn what local physicians and others have to say about the mental and physical health benefits of walking.  Fortunately, York County offers many great places to enjoy on foot.  Just 30-minutes a day, five days a week can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression and some cancers.  So, watch the film then get outside and take a walk.  With time, it will be one of the highlights of your day!

Message from Prevention & Wellness Committee:

"I spent years as a family and sports medicine physician and can attest both personally and professionally to the benefits of regular exercise. Walking is great because it needs no membership, special equipment or expertise. Almost everyone can do it. And those who do walk enjoy improved mood, lower weight and generally more positive outlooks than those who don't. They also have risks of breast, prostate and colon cancer cut by approximately 50%. Diabetics have lower blood sugars and better control if they exercise."
- Robert Fawcett, MD, Prevention & Wellness Committee Chair 

“Medically Speaking -- Exercise as Medicine”:  Hosted by Dr. Catherine Bene, Dr. Fawcett, explains the benefits of exercise in avoiding many health problems that are common in modern life.  (Courtesy of York County Medical Society Foundation).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8lGDojXEoM  


WATCH: The Walking Revolution -  This 30-minute documentary, produced by Kaiser Permanente’s EVERY BODY WALK initiative, can be very motivational: The Walking Revolution.

Start a walking program!  The Coalition can provide a presentation to help your organization start a walking program.  Check out the Workplace Tool Kit and/or contact the Coalition to learn more:  nwilliams9@wellspan.org OR (717) 851-2333

Announcements and updates:

  • The National Physical Activity Plan Alliance has released a national assessment of walking and walkability in the United States. This first-ever report sheds light on walking behaviors, pedestrian infrastructure, safety, and more on a national level. Click here to view their report.