Let us know if you want to get involved! Please contact us for more information on the work of the committees and task forces listed below.
Access & Empowerment Standing Committee
Chair: Sherry Welsh, Central PA Transportation Authority
This committee identifies needs, conducts research and seeks solutions to address issues related to health care access, health insurance and related challenges.
Blue-Ribbon Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Blue-Ribbon Advisory Committee is to guide and provide oversight for the creation of the Public Health Department Feasibility Study and development of a County Public Health Department. The Advisory committee will lend expertise and credibility to support the creation of a one unified county health department.
Community Engagement Standing Committee
Chair: Joe Kirkenir, YMCA of the Roses
This committee assists with communications, event planning and strategic relationship building.
Mental Well Being Action Team
Chair: TBD
The Mental Well Being Action Team will be responsible for developing an approach to elevate and lift mental wellbeing, which will include an ongoing focus on health equity.