Checking in on your Mental Health

April 29, 2024
Have you taken time to check in on yourself lately? Many of us are so busy that we forget to stop and evaluate how we’re feeling, both physically and mentally. It’s so important to make time for self-care in your daily routine to prevent burnout. Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month, and every month in between, find your happy place and focus on you. Read more in our blog...

Relieving Stress in a Hurry

April 1, 2024
Whether it’s meeting an important deadline for work, trying to get your kids to bed, or finishing the grocery list for the week, stress comes in all types of forms and affects everyone. What’s important is to focus on relieving that stress so that it doesn’t add up to create anxiety or chronic stress. During National Stress Awareness Month, think about things that typically stress you out the most and how you can relieve or prevent that stress. Read more in our blog...

Eating for your Mental Health

March 1, 2024
March is National Nutrition Month! Did you know that the foods you eat can actually impact your mental health? While eating healthy for your body is important, eating healthy for your brain helps your body function better and improves your overall mood. It all starts with your mental health! Read more in our most recent blog...

February is Heart Health Month

February 1, 2024
When is the last time you thought about your heart health? Many of us can forget how important our heart is and how serious the consequences can be if we don’t take care of it. February is National Heart Month and what better time to start taking better care of your heart so that it can keep taking care of you?

Set Small Goals for Big Success in 2024

January 3, 2024
Another year gone, another year to start fresh on a healthier you! If you’re looking to make changes to your lifestyle, whether big or small, there are plenty of ways to get started!

Music and your Mental Health

November 27, 2023
It’s official-the holiday season is upon us! Which means you’re likely hearing Mariah Carey everywhere, 24/7. Whether you prefer to hear her belt out “All I Want for Christmas” or other classic, catchy holiday tunes, music brings a sense of nostalgia, distraction and happiness. Especially around the holidays! Read more...

Prevent or Manage Diabetes during Diabetes Awareness Month

November 1, 2023
Like it or not, November is already here! Which means leftover Halloween candy and deliciously dangerous holiday foods. While the holidays are always an exciting, special time of year, it’s a good reminder to pause and have a game plan for meals and potential healthy substitutes. Since November officially kicks off the holiday season, we should also pause to recognize that November is Diabetes Awareness Month. According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 10 Americans have Type 2 Diabetes.

Sleep for your Mental Health

September 25, 2023
When is the last time you got a good night’s sleep? Have you noticed that you’re feeling run down or in a bad mood lately? Odds are it relates to the amount of sleep you’re getting on a daily basis! Many individuals don’t realize just how important sleep is to your mental health. According to, sleep is closely connected to mental and emotional health and has demonstrated links to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other conditions.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

August 22, 2023
September is Suicide Prevention Month. Now more than ever, our country is witnessing an alarming number of mental health crises, suicide attempts and suicides. Suicide is a serious public health issue that can have long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States and was responsible for more than 48,000 deaths in 2021. That equates to 1 death every 11 minutes. According to the 2022 York County Coroner’s Annual Report, 67 individuals in York County committed suicide. For the past 10 years, that number has ranged between 60- 80 in the number of deaths in York County.

Get Outdoors Program

July 25, 2023
GO! York County is a WellSpan Health program offered each summer to encourage children and caregivers to get outdoors and be physically active by engaging in letterboxing. Letterboxing is a hobby in which participants must follow written clues to locate hidden items. Through the 2023 GO and Get Connected! program, explore “All Together Now” as you search for 30 “connectors” – wooden posts with an etched Plexiglass plate attached to them – which are hidden in various parks and along trails in York County. Participants use a crayon or colored pencil to “rub” the picture on the Plexiglass plate onto their program rubbing sheet. Participants can find 30 different “connectors” hidden throughout York County trails and parks to be eligible to win prizes. GO! York County is digital and all participants’ progress will be tracked through the Beanstack app. Click here for more information on how to use the app.

Take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick

March 16, 2020
If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or because you have a serious long-term health problem, it is extra important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease. Stock up on supplies. Take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others. When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often. Avoid crowds as much as possible. Avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel. During a COVID-19 outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible to further reduce your risk of being exposed. READ MORE:

West Manchester Township - Meeting on Water Fluoridation

February 13, 2020
Shiloh Water System has been providing fluoridated water since the mid-1960s, but their board is planning to stop fluoridation. Shiloh customers are encouraged to attend a Public Meeting (Monday, February 24, 7:00 p.m. at West Manchester Township Building) to voice concern. Fluoridated water is safe and effective. For 70 years, the best available scientific evidence consistently indicates that community water fluoridation is safe and effective. It has been endorsed by numerous U.S. Surgeons General, and more than 100 health organizations recognize the health benefits of water fluoridation for preventing dental decay, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, the American Dental Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

How to Boost Your Willpower to Help Make Healthy Choices Easy

January 29, 2020
Message from the American Heart Association: Cheating on your diet or exercise plan? Struggling with self-control or impulse choices? Science shows that willpower can get depleted! Learn how you can strengthen it and increase your ability to resist temptation.

Diabetes Coalition of York County

January 21, 2020
Diabetes Coalition of York County’s 3rd Annual Diabetes Expo Saturday, March 21, 2019 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. York YMCA (90 N. Newberry Street, York)

Weight-loss goals: Set yourself up for success

January 2, 2020
Mayo Clinic: Realistic, well-planned weight-loss goals keep you focused and motivated. They provide a plan for change as you transition to a healthier lifestyle. Use the following tips for creating goals that will help you reduce weight and improve your overall health.

What Swimming Taught Me About Happiness (The New York Times)

July 27, 2019
Psychiatrist, Dr Richard Friedman explores how thinking too much about how to be happy actually backfires and undermines well-being.

2nd Annual Diabetes Expo to be held March 23

February 18, 2019
Save the date for the 2nd Annual Diabetes Expo on Saturday, March 23 at Penn State York.

The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right

November 29, 2018
Really, we know how we should eat, but that understanding is continually undermined by hyperbolic headlines, internet echo chambers, and predatory profiteers all too happy to peddle purposefully addictive junk food and nutrition-limiting fad diets. Eating well remains difficult not because it’s complicated but because the choices are hard even when they’re clear.

Even a 10-Minute Walk May Be Good for the Brain

October 24, 2018
Ten minutes of mild exercise can immediately alter how certain parts of the brain communicate and coordinate with one another and improve memory function. Michael Yassa, the director of the U.C. Irvine Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory reports that “We are not talking about marathons. It looks like people can improve their memories with a short walk or an easy session of something like yoga or tai chi." Gretchen Reynolds The New York Times

Healthy Delta Community Needs Assessment

September 21, 2018
In January 2016, the Healthy York County Coalition released results of the Delta Healthy Living Assessment. This assessment, which included key informant interviews and a survey of patrons of the Mason Dixon Community Center, recommended additional study to determine next steps.

Diabetes Resource Guide

June 19, 2018
The Diabetes Coalition of York County has developed a resource guide . . .

New Walking Route in York City

May 31, 2018
Nicole Smith, Community Health Specialist, organized the “WalkWorks” route in the city of York.

Lessons to Learn from Veterinarians

April 25, 2018
Nurse Liz Winders considers what can be learned from veterinarians regarding decisions and conversations about end of life care for humans.

National Healthcare Decisions Day

April 10, 2018
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is promoting National Healthcare Decisions Day (April 16) to inspire, educate and empower the public about the importance of advance care planning.

14 ways one type of exercise is the closest thing to a miracle drug we have

March 27, 2018
Want an all-natural way to lift your mood, improve your memory, and protect your brain against the decline that comes with aging? Get moving.

BSCPA Bike Summit Coming to Downtown York

February 27, 2018
Bicycle South Central PA (BSCPA)’s 3rd Annual Regional Bike Summit, Making Connections, is scheduled for March 23 and 24 and will be held in Downtown York, PA.

Winter Walking: Tips to Get Moving

January 24, 2018
Looking for inspiration to get off the couch and go for a walk? It might be cold outside, but a brisk walk might be exactly what you need to rid yourself of cabin-fever. So, take a walk, but first make sure you know how to stay safe and warm.

Urban farm expands to bring healthy produce to York

August 2, 2017
There is growing success for an urban farm in the City of York.

​Why talking about depression is a radical act

April 7, 2017
Depression is a topic that remains shrouded in silence, yet it’s a condition that has touched millions of people. To bring depression out of the shadows, we just need to talk about it.

Share end-of-life wishes with your loved ones

April 2, 2017
An editorial by Crystal Stiffler, Your Life Your Wishes Task Force chair. Crystal describes lessons learned from her work as a hospital social worker and personal experience with her mother’s progression with Alzheimer’s disease.

Walk often; walk safely

September 17, 2015
An editorial by Cori Strathmeyer, YMCA’s Director of Healthy Living and chair of York City’s Eat, Play, Breathe initiative. Cori reflects on her experience of being hit by a car when she was walking and explains the challenges and opportunities for making roads safer for pedestrians and other slower forms of transportation.